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2017-02-22   来源: 天虎科技


2月9日,英国BBC网站刊发了《Chinese 'first' for Scottish games industry》一文,报道了天象互动进军海外的这一重大举措,报道称,天象互动成为第一家进军苏格兰游戏行业的中国公司。


天象互动此举也体现了天府软件园对科技企业的孵化和支持影响力。作为 “国家级科技企业孵化器”、“国家级众创空间”、“国家级创业孵化示范基地”、“国家中小企业公共服务示范平台”,天府软件园已形成软件服务外包、软件产品研发、通信技术、数字娱乐、移动互联、共享服务中心等几大产业集群,并成为国内外知名软件和信息服务企业在华战略布局的重要选择地。


其中,尼毕鲁科技90%以上收入来自海外,2014年就在巴黎成立了工作室。Camera360长年在多个海外市场应用榜单中稳居前列,并入选Google Play全年最重量级榜单——2016年度最佳应用榜。此外,狮之吼、邑动科技、尼毕鲁、数字天空、千行科技等园区企业也都在全球范围内有着广泛的业务。

据白鲸研究院发布的《移动产品出海上手报告》显示,在“2016年工具类海外下载排行榜”上,狮之吼科技的Power Clean进入榜单前十;“2016年娱乐类海外下载排行榜”上,品果科技的Camera360和尼毕鲁的《战地风暴》均排名前十,其中Camera360排名更是高居榜首。



备注 :下为BBC报道原文

Chinese 'first' for Scottish games industry

Chinese mobile games firm Skymoons has launched a studio in Edinburgh, with plans to create an initial 21 highly-skilled games development jobs.

It is thought to be the first time a Chinese company has invested in the games industry in Scotland.

The new studio, which will be led by former Reloaded Productions managing director Michael Boniface, plans to develop a multi-player online game.

Scottish Development International helped to facilitate the move.

Mr Boniface said: "The establishment of Skymoons' new studio in Scotland is a game changer, and an exciting opportunity for those who make up the strong resource of locally-based talent.

"I am very pleased to be representing Skymoons in this venture and will be recruiting new staff shortly, aiming for all 21 jobs to be filled by the end of June."

First established in Chengdu, Skymoons Digital Entertainment Co is an established publisher of mobile games in China. It is looking to expand in the global digital entertainment market.

'Very welcome'

Business and Innovation Minister Paul Wheelhouse said: "This is a great example of international investment in Scotland's growing digital economy and a good example of Scottish Development International support.

"Scotland is known around the world for our dynamic and successful creative industries - having produced some of the best known and bestselling games in the world.

"This investment will help create a very welcome outcome for Edinburgh's games development sector. "

天虎科技 杨程


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